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Photo by Michael Prewett on Unsplash |
Do you remember that conversation you had with your parents
about sex? It was probably on that day when you had your very first
menstruation. Or maybe, that day when your neighbor's daughter came home
pregnant and the entire street got a free show. Either way, something must have
triggered the talk. Now, it didn't matter if you were as close to
your parents as peas in a pod or had a
run-away-to-my-room-as-soon-as-daddy-shows-up attitude. What mattered was that, if you had a conversation about sex with your
parents, it most definitely must have been awkward!
The thing is, as awkward as it must have been for you, it must
have been ten times worse for your parents (okay...a little exaggeration.
Maybe, two times more). Imagine the horror they must have felt trying to
explain sex to you; a child they brought into the world. Multiply that horror
by two if you were a very inquisitive child. If it wasn't so serious, it could
actually be very funny. In retrospect, you knew you couldn't
dare laugh. What was worse, parents knew that too. They also knew they could
not laugh either. With that much pressure, it is no wonder that they sometimes
resort to flat-out lies to keep us in check. Done out of love as they
would say, these lies have shaped how we view sex today.
Here is a list of some of the lies our parents told us about
Lie #1: Your virginity is your most valuable asset and the
best gift you can give a man.
Some might be nodding their heads in remembrance of this one.
Is this statement even sensible? How can virginity be ranked as a woman's most
precious asset?! What happened to her brain? What happened to the influence
with which she was created? When you take a look at this statement, you
see the hand of some very misogynistic group of people who do not think that
there is more to a woman than her 'honey pot'. These ideas formed the core of
society’s norms and were further translated to kids by their parents. So, the
question that begs to be asked is: when the virginity goes, does her value go
with it too? Is her virginity supposed to help her husband be the man he ought
to be? Is her virginity going to help her manage a home, and if she works,
still keep a balance between home and career and all other things she does? How
come the one thing that is taken in a jiffy is deemed the most important asset
she could bring to the table? What is worse, some men have married
virgins and are totally disgusted with their character flaws, personal
hygiene, or general persona. He will not care if she is a virgin if she falls
short in other areas that are necessary for the partnership. It then goes to
show that the hymen cannot possibly be the most valuable thing that you can give a
Lie #2: If you do not have sex before your wedding night,
your husband will love and value you more.
You all know that couple who start the day with a brawl, a
loud shout or the sound of the wife used as a punching bag. The presence or
absence of the hymen doesn't make a wife beater hang his gloves, nor does it
make an emotionally empty man show love and affection to his wife. Some men have married virgins yet have gone on to disrespect them in public.
Some have gone as far as withdrawing their affection and cheating on them, even
to the tune of dating their very best friends, and in some cases, their
sisters. Virginity is no guarantee that a man will treat a woman right
when she becomes his wife. Also, the fact that your husband was your first
doesn't mean he will be so enamored of your vagina that he won't stray to some
other woman. If you are in doubt, go ask all the virgins before marriage who
are dealing with straying husbands.
Lie #3: If you have sex before marriage, your husband will
lose his savor for you.
Truth is, whether you have sex before or after marriage, your
husband will eventually lose his savor for you...as you will lose yours for
him. Keeping desire afire in a marriage is a full-time responsibility required
by both husband and wife. That is why you might start your marriage hitting it
five times a day and then slow down to once a day, once a week, once in three
months, and in some instances, never at all. It is a natural phenomenon. Laws of
diminishing return always set in and sex is no exception. Your precious
‘virginity gift’ wouldn't make your husband bury himself in you for the rest of
his life. He will get up; even if it is just to pee.
Lie #4: Sex is disgusting.
This line is usually towed by religious fanatics. They hammer
on how disgusting the sexual act is, going as far as saying it is a sin, even in
the confines of marriage. There are stories of people who get up from having
sex with their spouse to bent knees in prayer to 'cleanse themselves'. You
begin to wonder how they can take that stand when God created coitus, not just
for procreation but for communion and fun. Well...if that is your belief anyway. There is absolutely nothing disgusting about sex.
Lie #5: A woman who wants to know about sex is a 'whore'.
Many women get engaged to men and the issue of sex never
comes up. When they eventually get married, they suffer through their husbands' sexual overtures without saying anything. Many of these women don't even know
that sex can (and should) be pleasurable for them. They lie down, allow their husband to hump and grind, reach his own orgasm and get off. Whenever they want to ask
their husband to do something different, they remember their mothers telling
them that talking about sex is forbidden for good girls. This results in many
sexually frustrated women who are gradually reduced to frigid lovers. It
becomes worse when a woman gets turned on and doesn't feel she can talk about
her desire with her husband. She suppresses her desire so she doesn't come off
as a nymphomaniac or worse, a 'whore'. It doesn't matter that sex is to be a
mutually beneficial expression of desire if it is to be effective or enjoyed.
It also doesn't matter that many women clamp their teeth and squeeze the
sheets, not from pleasure, but from immense pain. No one cares that a woman
knows what would please her as naturally as a man knows where to insert
his shaft penis. Who cares that talking is (and can be) a form
of foreplay, thus making the sex act all the more enjoyable? But no! Our
parents said good girls don't talk about sex.
Lie #6: Women have a low sex drive.
This one in particular is just totally out of this world! But
it isn't too far-fetched. If you have to deal with all the aforementioned lies
our parents told us, of course, your sexual drive is bound to be low! Even when
a woman has a 'normal' sexual drive, she would feel ashamed for being different
and want to hide her 'abnormal' drive from the glaring eyes of their parents
and society in general. It is when you sit with a group of girls, ladies, and
women that you realize just how frustrated many women are. Among
ladies, there is a free flow of conversation that many parents, men, and society
should learn from.
It will be noticed that men are excluded from these examples.
Generally, men do not get the talk. They are not bothered by
societal strictures like women are. No one - well, except for religious bodies - condemns a man for not holding onto his virginity. In
fact, society lauds a man who sows his oats - royal or otherwise - as far and
as wide as possible. No one tells a man not to just jump on top of the woman and
grind until he gets his satisfaction. Parents don't call their boys to tell them
about chastity before marriage because whether it is said or not, boys are
expected to have sex way before marriage.
As much as society has evolved, the double standard regarding
sex is still very glaring. It is high time these standards get evened out so
there is a level playing field for which society can be built.
Parents should give their children sex education without
bias. It is time that parents tell their daughters that their virginity is not
the most important gift they can give to their husbands but a sign of their
willingness to share all of themselves with their spouse.
Parents should tell their boys that while it seems okay to have sex before
marriage, it should be something they really think about before doing it! Boys
should be taught the same standards as girls so that if (and when) they have
sex, it will be a joint dive into pleasurable depths of earth-shaking sex.
Parents shouldn't tell their kids that sex is disgusting
because the psychological trauma from that statement alone is enough to mar a
person sexually for life. As awkward as it may be, parents need to let their
kids know that sex is beautiful, exciting, exhilarating, and can also be
dangerous, disappointing, and in some cases, downright tepid. Parents should be
the source of ALL the information on sex that their children get so that they
don’t wander off to the uninformed ideals of their peers, the unbalanced
theories found on the internet, or the fallacy found in porn videos and
Education may be shedding more light on the issue of sexual
relationships, but many are still shrouded in the darkness of ideologies built
centuries ago. When parents are the illuminating factors in expanding a child’s
mentality on sex, there might probably be a reduction in instances of unplanned pregnancies, STIs, and STDs and also phobia of what sex entails.
Sex is still the most exciting topic to talk about; from the
loud guffaws of Casanovas to the muted whispers of belles, sex cannot be easily
shrugged off. Parents need to start spilling the truth because every lie your
child discovers on their own, reduces your credibility as a parent.
Wow! Well said Ramat...U gat a bit of Tim Lahaye writing style....A good conclusion.
ReplyDeleteI agree truth need be told...I hope no one reads this half way; it might just result in a stone sentence.
Looking forward to ur next