Monday 17 October 2016

Support the Eradication of Poverty

A boy with calloused feet and worn out slippers.
A direct result of poverty.

Poverty is an ever present reality for many Africans. This is usually as a result of war and conflicts, natural causes like drought, famine, excessive rainfall or epidemics. For many countries however, poverty is a direct result of failed or ineffective government policies.
This has led to the death of millions of men, women and children and is usually the first card in a string of dominoes that results in Africa being an under-developed continent.

Poverty may not be easily eradicated but it can be vastly reduced. This demands a concerted effort by the governments, private organizations, aid agencies and all African citizens.

Poverty can be reduced by;
  • Placing the extremely poor on government facilitated social welfare;
  • Ensuring free education for poor people;
  • Providing basic health care facilities and personnel for inner, underserved cities;
  • Massive capital and infrastructural development to enable job creation and improved economies;
  • Facilitating food policies that generate income for nations and hence, her people;
  • Empowering whole communities on revenue generation through sustainable development;
  • Empowering women through gender equality, education, entrepreneurship, leadership and innovation and;
  • Citizens holding their governments accountable for each African life;

We owe it to our continent to stand up against poverty! This is because all indices of poverty (and its horrible effects) place Africa as the worst hit. We cannot continue to sit back while Africans – our brothers and sisters – die from the effects of poverty. We also cannot afford to continually be the butt of the world’s joke, pity or derision. We must join the world in eradicating poverty: for ourselves, for our families, and for mama Africa!

The theme for this year’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is, ‘MOVING FROM HUMILIATION AND EXCLUSION TO PARTICIPATION: ENDING POVERTY IN ALL ITS FORMS’. The theme is all encompassing. We need to participate; and that participation MUST be all-inclusive!

We support the charge of the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, which says "Poverty is not simply measured by inadequate income. It is manifested in restricted access to health, education and other essential services and, too often, by the denial or abuse of other fundamental human rights [...] Let us listen to and heed the voices of people living in poverty. Let us commit to respect and defend the human rights of all people and end the humiliation and social exclusion that people living in poverty face every day by promoting their involvement in global efforts to end extreme poverty once and for all."

This fight is not just for the United Nations or for governments. This fight is for all of us! Add your voice today! Fight for the eradication of poverty in Africa!

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