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Beautiful Space Wallpaper Image: Eliosh |
'Life' scared the shit out of her.
She knew that NASA and a host of scientists were really testing the possibilities of life on other planets. She also
knew that for life to exist on any of these planets, they would have to be
super intelligent and greatly evolved.
That wasn't what scared her.
That last scene in the movie where
the alien was freed from the sealed hatch was what did.
'What if
life (she
smiled at the pun) imitated fiction? What
if a single cell brought back from any of these planets could mark the
disruption of earth's stability and the extinction of human life?'
She imagined that like War of the Worlds, the aliens might be
defeated by something as simple as earth's atmosphere, but she knew that loads
of people would have to die in the process. Seven billion people pushing on ten.
What would happen if aliens got two? She sighed. Who was she kidding? Five
billion people will definitely die.
But would there be good aliens? Like Optimus Prime (before that evil Quintessa cast her metallic spell on
him) or Curtis from Deen Koontz's 'One
Door Away From Heaven'?
This is what happens when I watch horror films at night!’
She knew she would sleep fitfully.
She just hoped she didn’t have dreams where Calvin chased her around for his
late night snack.
She pumped her pillows and settled in
to sleep.
Thirty minutes later and her mind
just wouldn’t settle down. It was preoccupied with alien life and being in
space. If she was true to herself, she would admit that she wanted to
experience outer space. She didn’t want to just learn about these things from
books, movies and her daily newsletter from Space via IFTTT. She wanted to feel
things in real time. Heck, she wanted to meet an alien.
She jolted out of bed.
‘Girl, you
are getting stark raving mad! Meet an alien?!’
She shook her head and laughed.
As she settled back into bed, she
wondered. ‘It would be really cool to
meet an alien though. To learn their thought process, understand their
‘Yeah. Just
before it swallows you up in one gulp.’ Her rational mind countered.
She laughed…and swore it was the last
time she would smoke weed before watching a movie.
With that, she fell asleep.
People were whispering above her. Had
her village people come to torment her? But she wasn’t feeling any tightness in
her chest. In fact, she wasn’t feeling any fear. She just knew that she should
be afraid…but wasn’t.
She kept her eyes tightly shot,
hoping they would go away, hoping they were not some criminals with guns ready
to do her harm.
‘You can
open your eyes now. We know you are awake.’
She did, sat up in bed…and shouted, ‘Jesus Christ!’
up. I told you they use that name for every emotion they are feeling.’ The cute one with the
geeky look – glasses, white shirt tucked into brown Chinos trousers with a
light blue cotton sweater on top – couldn’t contain his excitement.
The older, seemingly more mature one
who was dressed in all black denim and the newest Kobe A.D NXT 360, looked at her and smiled; or something akin to a
‘Hello Ada
She blanched. How do they know her name?
‘For the
sake of this meeting, you may call me One. He is Two.’
‘Hey! That
was not the name we agreed on. Why do you like to be so…drab?’ Two was angry, very much like
a teenager.
Ada could have sworn he gave out some
light in his anger. Her eyes widened. She looked away from both men to study
her environment. She was on her bed alright but this wasn’t her room. And
wherever she was couldn’t be real!
The walls seemed to be made of
pulsing Citrine, with light snaking through them and giving out warm, brown
tones that had a surprisingly calm effect on her. It was weird because the
light in the room should have been a mixture of gold and brown but it
was…clear. How did they achieve that? How did they balance out the light? She
looked up, trying to find the source of light.
She shouldn’t have done that.
The ‘ceiling’ (could she even call it
that) was beige with rivulets of as many shades of brown as possible constantly
intertwining to form a story. On closer inspection, she saw that the stories
were from aspects of her life; the happiest ones. When she was playing
basketball and scored her first three, when she first tasted Maltesers and let
that chocolatey goodness melt in her mouth, when she finished her first short
film, when she sunbathed in Seychelles…
‘Wait! That
hasn’t happened!’
‘We know. We
also know that is one of your biggest dreams so we thought to throw that in so
you could calm down.’ Ada was sure it was Two’s idea. He seemed so happy with
Their plan had worked though; she was
calm. What type of sorcery was this? And where the heck was this place?
‘You are
aboard the Athena. We heard your request to…’
Ada interrupted One. ‘What is the Athena? And where is this? Have
I been kidnapped? And how did you get my bed out of my room?!’ She jumped
out of bed and took a fighting stance. The floor felt…very comforting; like how
she read a sheepskin rug should feel.
‘I have a
black belt and you nerds don’t look like much! I will beat you guys faster than
you can say Ava Duvernay!’
Two started to pacify her but One
interrupted him.
‘You don’t
have a black belt and you know you cannot fight wimpy looking Two, talk more of
both of us.’
‘Hey!’ Two showed his
One continued. ‘So if you would settle down, I can explain where you are and answer
your questions.’
Ada knew he was right; the goody two
deserved that!’ Two laughed.
‘It is okay
if you think I am a goody two shoes. But, I will like you to please sit down so
I can explain what this entire…thing is about.’
Ada and Two heard the ‘waste of time’
under his breath.
First, these people could read minds;
which meant that she was doomed. If she so much as thought of running, they
would know. If she even thought of breathing, they would know. There was no
escaping these men. So maybe she should just listen and hear what they had to
say. And why wasn’t she afraid?! She knew she should be scared shitless but why
wasn’t she feeling any fear?!
‘You are not
feeling any fear because we channelled some of your emotions into this room;
fear, anger, the need to faint when you find out where this is and the likes.
That is why the walls are pulsing. Those are your emotions lighting up the
Two was excited. And this time, Ada was sure he was giving out light.
‘Pipe down.
You don’t want to scare her.’ One said in his flat, fact-of-the-matter tone.
‘Such a bore.’ Two responded and rolled
his eyes.
somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!’ Ada shouted. She wanted to be
afraid. Fear would get adrenaline to cause her to do something! And she wanted
to be angry!
‘Fine. Have
you emotions. If that will help you get through this.’
The walls stopped pulsing. And Ada went
into survival mode.
‘Please be
Two said. ‘As Marcus…oh sorry, One said,
you are aboard the Athena. The Athena is a…ermmm...how do I say this in the
gentlest tone…ermmm….’
‘Spaceship.’ One said.
‘What the
hell man! Why would you do that?! Must you always be the brusque?’
Ada wasn’t listening. Her heart was
nearly exploding in her chest. ‘What do
you mean, spaceship? Do you work for NASA? And since when is NASA into
kidnapping people?’
‘Work for
NASA? Wow! Just wow!’
This was the first time One showed
any emotion beyond bored cynicism.
‘Don’t mind
him. He just hates to be compared to NASA. The youngest person where we are
from is a million times more advanced than the entire people who work at NASA.
I am that person.’ Two glowed.
‘Where you
are from? Are you saying you are…?’
don’t use that word.’
‘She is
going to use it.’
One pulsed white.
‘Oh wow. I
haven’t seen him this angry since we were paired on this assignment. Kudos
girrrl! Did I get the drawl right? I have a thing for black people’s accent.
Wait…is it okay if I call you black? Is that racist? Is that…?’
Ada was shaking. She looked pale. And
she was going to throw up.
‘Bucket.’ One said just as Ada bent
Her eyes bulged as a bucket appeared
to collect the remnants of the Eba and Afang soup she had the night before. She
felt her head tilt back as a cup of water drained into her mouth. Just before
gag reflex set in, her head was bent back towards the bucket.
Ada scurried away as quickly as she
could and fell to the floor. THERE WAS A PERSON…THING...ALIEN…THERE!
‘Marla, that
was disrespectful! You should have asked her permission. Marla, don’t you dare
walk away from me. Marla! Marla!’
‘They are
not going to catch on. So stop it with the names already.’
Ada watched as the shape of a comely
older woman retreated to the far side of the wall and disappeared. Her heart
couldn’t take anymore. She got up and started running. The faster she ran, the
more the walls retreated from her. She started shouting; screaming really.
is their biggest weakness. Has way too much control over them.’
A chair materialized and One sat down,
looking at his nails in a picture of..boredom. ‘This is going to be a long day.’
Two went after Ada. When she looked
back and saw him coming, she thought he was chasing her. So she ran faster. Two
could appear in front of her but he didn’t want her heart to fail. So he ran
after her, like a human would, making sure to keep a little distance so she
thought she was faster. This went on for maybe 15 minutes before she fell in a heap,
exhausted. She really should start working out.
In a blink, she was right back on her
‘Ready to
talk now?’
One asked.
Ada look at him, then at Two, and
just nodded.
don’t probe me.’
‘Well then. First,
we hate it that you call us “aliens”. It is disrespectful to our species. For
now however, that dreadful term will have to do. Second, we never probe anyone!
It is abhorrent and completely out of character for any of us. Even the Grus
from Saturn are not that disgusting. If anything, it is your lot that does the
probing. It says a lot about the people on that da---'
‘Okay then!’
interrupted. ‘I will take it from here.
First, I would be honoured if you called me…Dwayne. You don’t have to but it
would really mean the world to me to finally have someone call me a name I
worked so hard to choose. But like I said, no pressure. And before he says
anything further, let me explain why you – in particular – are here.
‘We have
been trying to connect with people from your planet who will genuinely see us
as we are instead of something to probe. We have been here longer than you so
we understand that we have to be gentler with you, but your insistence on
portraying us as ugly, evil beings can be frustrating. I mean, I understand
that Men in Black was shot years ago
but ewwww! No one in the entire universe looks like those hideous creatures portrayed
in that movie. And why are you people so engrossed with the oval headed, hollowed
eyed depiction you think is us? That is so unflattering!’
‘You said
you were going to tell her why she is here, not rant about your vanity.’ One muttered.
‘I am! Why
do you always like to bust my bubble?! Oh wait! I just used that phrase for the
first time. Their languages are so interesting. There is so much you can learn
Why. Am. I. Here?!’ Ada shouted.
Dwayne froze in his tracks. He
started to glow, to shine bright, until his light hurt Ada’s eyes. She started
to shout when he disappeared.
One sighed.
‘Anyway, you
expressed a desire to meet one of us so you can understand us. It has been
years since anyone showed that real interest. I am sure you will argue that
NASA exists because of that but most of them are so caught up with the thought
of finding life on Mars or the moon that they miss out on the messages we leave
them. You, however, didn’t seem to want anything more a chance to understand
us. So…here we are. I am ready to take your questions.’
Ada got up from the bed. One was such
a stoic personality. She needed to stand so he didn’t overpower her with his
lackluster, yet domineering, persona.
Dwayne going to be okay?’
One pulsed orange. Surprise? Ada
couldn’t tell.
‘He nearly
just hurt you with his glow and you are worried about him being okay? Weird.
Anyway, he will be fine. He gets excited a lot. But it is expected; he is a
child. And don’t encourage him with that name.’
‘How old is
he?’ Ada
asked as she paced the length of the wall.
‘A little
over 6 million years.’
Ada stopped abruptly.
‘You are
kidding, right?’
‘I don’t
‘Wait! Human
years or ali--- I mean, outer space years?’
Ada looked pointedly at him.
‘I am 220
million years old. And yes, it is rude to ask.’
Ada couldn’t blanch any further
without being completely drained of blood.
‘Okay. Any
more questions?’
Ada was ready.
‘Why do you
look human?’
‘Because it
is the best way to interact with you.’
‘Which means
you have a form. What do you look like?’
not like any of the depictions of us which your cinemas derive pleasure from
Ada touched the wall. Smooth. Like
some of the Chakra stones many believed had super powers. Weird that when she
was running towards it, it kept retreating from her and now that she was just
walking, it was so close.
She thought too soon. The wall jumped
a bit and she jumped even farther back. Guess wall touching time was over.
‘You say
this is a spaceship.’
‘It doesn’t
look like anything I have ever seen.’
One sighed. ‘The answer is simple. We made it look as relatable to you as your
perceptions of reality would permit.’
‘So you are
saying, if I could perceive it to be like the USS Enterprise, it would look like that?’
‘Does it
work for anything or just space ships?’
you imagine this place to be, it becomes.’
The room changed into the Staple
Centre. Ada was shocked! She hadn’t even finished expressing the idea when the
room changed. She ran around the room, imagining herself to be Kobe when he was
number 8 and still had hair. She was so excited!
In quick succession, she imagine the
place to be different things.
The best patisserie in Paris.
Oprah’s bedroom while she slept.
A Filming Studio in Kaduna.
Deep, deep underwater.
A volcano.
Central Bank of Nigeria’s vault.
‘This has
gone on long enough.’ One interrupted her reverie.
‘Just one
‘Don’t do
She was standing on the boat as the
sealed hatch was fished out of the sea. In the hatch was Jake Gyllenhaal
wrapped by some slimy creature. Ada knew what would happen. Jake kept telling
her not to open it. She knew what would happen but…she still stretched her hand
to open the hatch. She heard her own voice from last night saying, ‘Don’t open it! Don’t open it!’ And yet,
she did.
Calvin unwrapped itself from Jake’s
now lifeless body, slowly turned to look at her…and lunged.
Dwayne came back just in time to
catch as her as she fell.
replayed the final scene of Life.’
‘Why did you
let her do that?!’ Dwayne asked as he carried her to the bed.
‘I told her
not to.’
‘She is in
shock. As long as she perceives that Calvin is wrapped around her body, she
will begin to lose the use of her organs. I can see she went to a volcano and
the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Why didn’t it affect her so?’
‘In the
others she wanted to see the place.
In this, she wanted to feel the
‘You have to
dislodge her from the thought.’
One went to her head and placed his
fingers on her temple. The walls changed back its original form when she first
woke up. The walls began to pulse in shades of brown until all the colours
merged into…Ada.
She woke up.
‘Calvin is
One sighed. ‘No. He felt real because that is what you wanted. No creature in the
universe is like that.’
‘How would
you know?’
Two coughed. One turned sharply and
looked ready to battle.
‘Because we
are the guardians of the universe. We keep things in order. We ensure that the
universe maintains its balance. Humans make our lives difficult. Your lot
destroys everything. Look at how your planet is managed! You destroyed your
environment, pollute the air, kill animals and yourselves and generally pose a
nuisance to the rest of us. This is because your planet is about to implode and
guess who has to restore other to the galaxy? If anyone is ugly, it is you lot!
I should know.’
‘Don’t you
think you are a bit hard on her? She hasn’t done anything.’
‘Silence!’ One turned white. If
Ada’s emotions weren’t in the wall, she would have felt fear; raw fear. The
cold breeze she felt was her fear translated to something physical.
‘I think you
should calm down.’ Dwayne quipped.
‘See, we
have been away from home for long because we are trying to get your planet to
stay alive. It can get frustrating to constantly have to deal with your wars,
and hunger and poverty and environmental degradation. Add your exploding
population and mismanagement of your resources and we have a recipe for
disaster. And now you want to go and disturb the Martians. We just want someone
who cares about it all to push the message of sustainability. The United
Nations is doing its best but it is not enough. So what we are hoping for is
that an understanding of the galaxies will help in the advocacy for your
survival and you, Ada Evans, are the person we need.’
Ada looked at One and Dwayne. And
back to One again.
‘Tell me
what to do.’
And so they did.
‘Wheww! I am
exhausted. There is so much to be done.’
‘We believe
you can do it.’ Dwayne said with a smile. One didn’t smile but he didn’t look super
grumpy as he first did.
‘It is time
for you to go back.’
‘Before I
do, I need to know something. I have seen the beings in the all planets and
interacted with them but I don’t even know what you look like; what you really
look like. I want to know.’
‘The human
mind is not advanced enough to see us. So we gave you…’
‘Blah! Blah!
Blah! I have seen all sorts of things here today. You think I cannot handle a
little extra?’
‘Yes.’ One was unperturbed.
‘Okay. I
guess this was for waste then. You can carry your own message to earth and save
it. Seeing how easy it is to take human form, that shouldn’t be so hard to do.’
Dwayne laughed. ‘You drive a hard bargain. I guess One has finally met his match.’
One looked at Ada. He got up from the
chair he had been sitting in and took slow, measured steps towards her. He
swiped his fingers and walls stop pulsing.
Ada was afraid.
When he got right in front of Ada, he
‘I have been
doing this for 170 million years and I am all but tired of your wasteful race.
If the earth wasn’t critical to the balance of the universe, I would advocate
that the rest of the galaxies destroy yours. I swore that this is the last time
I would do this and having taken my time to show you everything, you think you
are in a place to threaten me?’
He was getting progressively whiter.
‘Easy now,
One. Please.’ Dwayne responded, antsy.
‘Do you know
that all I need to do is think of
killing you and you will be dead? I will have you explode to tiny bits way smaller
than the atom and have them scattered everywhere in the galaxy.’
Ada inhaled to quieten her nearly
imploding heart.
‘Fine. Do
that. You finally have a chance to save humanity and you want to hold it back
because of your…pride? There are a million and one things that the human
experience could not fathom that I have seen, heard and felt today. Heck, I am
in space without oxygen…’
‘There is oxygen
on this ship.’
‘…the point
being Dwayne, I am in space! With gravity! Doing things no human can do…yet. I
am your best bet for stability and I ask for one thing. Just one thing! But if
you would rather kill me, go right ahead. It is not me who has to tell my
superiors that the light at the end of the more than 170 million years of struggle
was put off because you didn’t think the human mind can fathom your exact form.
Wait! Maybe, just maybe, you are as ugly and gnarled as we do portray you. Hmmm…which
alien was the ugliest again in Men in Black?’
There was a collective gasp.
Ada was shocked. There were more ‘people’ in the room?!
She turned around as the walls began
to fall away. What looked like a situation room began to take shape. There were
thirty, maybe thirty-five other beings in the room. All of them were looking at
various hologram like screens, with data streams feeding them with different
images from earth. Wars, NASA, CERN, killing rooms, torture chambers, slave
trade and human trafficking, oil spills and pollution, gas flaring and
indiscriminate burning, mass shooting and murders, racism, LGBTQ phobia,
domestic violence and rape, child abuse and every other thing that was wrong
with humans on earth. On some of the screens were also people helping to solve
the world’s problems, giving their best, touching one life at a time. And even
more, were people who were just sleeping, or reading, on a date or watching a
movie. The screens kept changing; after all, there was so much to monitor in a
planet with over seven billion people contributing to its destruction.
But beyond the gadgets were the
shocked faces of some of the most beautiful
beings she had ever seen. They had similar features to human beings, but
better. Standing at about 9 feet, they were all shades of brown; from burnt
umber to beige. Their skin looked so soft that Ada wanted to touch them. Their
clothes were dark chocolate with rivulets of gold and the corresponding shade
of brown. On their heads were crowns that constantly interconnected to form
different kinds of bonds. They pulsed with awesome melanin glow!
What was more shocking to Ada was the
glorious wings each of them carried. It opened up to more than twenty feet of
golden beauty.
You are angels?!’
‘That is
what you people call us. We are…Melanin.’
Ada turned back to One and Dwayne.
And gasped. Up close, they were even more beautiful! Then a thought came into
her head and she started laughing.
‘Share the
Dwayne urged.
‘Oh my
goodness! Some white people are going to shit their pants when they realize
angels are all these melanin goodness! But wait…when did you stop reading
‘When you
showed yourself an equal. And didn’t your friend, the tall one with the
glasses…what is his name again? Isaac’s brother. Didn’t he repeatedly tell you to stop being racist?’ One said, and for the
first time that night, smiled.
He was even more beautiful. Ada
‘Oh please.
You know his name. And it is not racist to call out racists for their racism.
And I said some white people; not all.’ She laughed. ‘On a serious note though, I apologize. Ugly should never be a word
mentioned near you. You all are so fine! If you were on earth, there would be a
lot of confusion; if you catch my drift.’
is not going to happen…again.’ One said with a finality to his tone.
Dwayne laughed. ‘Funny story. We had some ‘confusion’ with humans before and look how
it turned out. I mean, would you feel comfortable standing near Shaq or that
Praying Mantis of a man, Kevin Durant?’
Ada blanched. And her eyes widened.
‘That story
is true?! Angels slept with women at a point?! I have to start reading the
Bible again then. What more mysteries will I discover?’
‘You know
what else is funny? Some of One’s friends were among those who---'
‘That is
enough. Ada, it is almost time for you to wake up. I need to know if I have
your word to help save your planet.’
Ada looked at them…and nodded.
Dwayne changed back to human form and
hugged Ada. ‘Thank you! For being open.’
Ada hugged him back and closed her
eyes. ‘You smell like fresh rain on
‘Girl, my
research is flawless!’
They both laughed. That was Ada’s
favourite smell.
‘I have to
ask though; why didn’t you come as a woman? Don’t you know that is so
‘You like
tall, dark men! Girrrlll…you know that is the only way we could have reached
Ada and Dwayne guffawed. His research
was flawless!
One interrupted them. ‘We have ten seconds. Thank you Ada and we
hope to see your work change lives on earth.’ He had changed back to his
human form. He extended his hand to Ada. ‘We
may not meet again but keep in mind that we will always be around to help guide
you on your path. Thank you.’
Ada shook his hand.
‘It was nice
meeting y---'
Ada’s alarm clock was ringing.
She woke up.
‘Do you
think she would remember?’ Dwayne was nervous. As was the rest of the team. This was
their last chance to get things right or return home for good. They had raised
their hope with many such individuals who had gone on to wake up not
remembering anything or thinking it was just a dream. NASA was 200 years away
from cracking the code and earth needed to be saved now. What they didn’t tell Ada was that there was evil; pure,
wicked evil in earth’s solar system and it was working overtime to distract
human beings with wars and sickness and hate so that it could destroyed the
That could not happen. And it
depended on Ada waking up…and remembering.
She opened her eyes and smiled. ‘What an awesome dream!’ She said as she
stretched, yawned and got out of bed.
Everyone was crest fallen. Chief of
which was Dwayne. He pulsed green, disappointed.
tried our best. I guess we are going back home. Let us pack it up.’ One delivered
matter-of-factly. Everyone could tell he was hurt but they knew he would never
show it. This would set into motion the backup plans to repair whatever tear
may happen to the universe when earth self-destructed. Losing one race was
better than losing this entire Milky Way; and the ripple effects it would have
on the universe.
They were out of earth’s atmosphere and
heading home when they heard the statement.
It was faint, very faint.
But it was also very clear.
‘Here I was
thinking I wanted to save black women and children but the universe has more
for me. Saving the world? This is going to be epic!’
Ada was excited. Very!
There was celebration all over the
Athena. Finally! A human being remembered. The pilot turned back. While they
couldn’t interact with her physically, they could always be around to guide and
protect her. And she was going to need protection. They knew evil already knew
that a human cracked the code. It was going to get risky. And extremely nerve
‘What would
be an appropriate name for this?’ Ada thought. “Operation save the world?” She shook
her head. That sounded too cliché. “Planet Rescue?” Sounded like something
showing on Discovery channel.
Then it hit her. And she smiled.
‘The Dwayne
Dwayne looked at everyone. ‘I have a human name! I have a human name! And
it is going to live forever.’ He started dancing. ‘Look at me now, look at me now! I am making paper!’
Everyone laughed as he glowed, a
glorious black.
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