The day he said we met is not the day I remember; it is not
the day that registered in my head. The day I remember is when I walked into
the office and stopped in my tracks. Seated at the far left corner was the
handsome, dapper and suave looking man. He had this aloof aura about him that
made me want to get to know him more. THAT was the day we became friends. His name?
ABDULLAHI AHMED aka Mr. Chelsea aka Talba aka Mr. sexy voice.
Since that day, Abdul has been one of my best buds, my
confidante, my inspiration, my friend, my brother, my prod, my anchor, my
optimist and my realist (it might sound different but with Abdul, those two
words are one and the same).
Abdul is one of the best radio/television presenter I know! He
is GOOD at everything he does! Whether it is the news, programs, sports,
entertainment or doing voice overs, he brings a flair to presentation that
should be emulated! I remember when I used to be jealous of him. I wanted to be
as good as he was with half the work he does; and boy does he work!
He would take up presentation materials and tell me to read
them (as if he is my father) and though I may pout, I always read them. I remember
all the days and nights where we would read and read and read and practice and
practice and practice. Sometimes, he would seize my phone so I can concentrate
on reading practice. I used to get mad then but today, I am appreciative of what
he had done!

Though I have been away from him these past few months, he
has not once stopped inspiring me to be better, to reach for better, to see the
bigger picture and to keep hope alive.
I absolutely love this man and I am uber proud of the man you
are today, the man I know you are striving to be and in time, the man you will
be remembered for.
On this day then, I wish you - ABDULLAHI AHMED TALBA - a
wonderfully splendid birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND!
I pray that GOD bestows you with wisdom, with knowledge, with
understanding, with grace, with power and so much more. I pray GOD blesses you
indeed, clothes you with his favor and paves the way for you to succeed beyond
your greatest imaginations.
And because you invest in people’s lives, I pray
GOD sends people who will invest in your life manifold blessings and opportunities
so that you fill in the shoes you were meant to fill.
PS: If I was in Yola, you know you will have to take me out
for all this things I have written bah? That our fish and chips joint! LOL.
Miss you much!
Happy birthday Abdul. God bless you. Thanks for being there for Ramat and us all.